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Buying a Used Vehicle

Welcome to my website. My name is Frances Reed. If you’re considering buying a used car, you are in the right place. I recently had my first experience with purchasing a used car and want to share some tips I learned along the way. When I began my search, the important things were color, comfort, and low mileage. I ended up with a green vehicle (which isn't on my favorite color list,) it has over 150,000 miles driven, but it is comfortable. I was very fortunate and had a friend who’s a mechanic come with me to test drive vehicles. Tip number one: be sure you have a mechanic check out vehicles before you buy. I hope I can offer you some valuable information here.



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Buying a Used Vehicle

Understanding The Basics Of Defensive Driving Techniques

by Connor Ferguson

The purpose of defensive driving is to save lives, time and money in spite of your surroundings and the actions of other individuals in order to prevent an accident. Of course, each driving situation is different, but the information listed below provides an overview of several different defensive driving techniques taught in driving schools that aid in reducing the risk of an accident.

Look At Traffic Further Ahead

As a driver you should always look far ahead, also known as "aiming high in steering." This defensive driving technique means that you don't adjust your driving by what's directly in front of you, but on what you see further down the road. For example, if you notice the road is curving to the right, you should look into the turn as far as you can. Upon doing this, you may be able to adjust your turns to make the transition easier and safer. Looking further ahead will also allow you to recognize impending danger or a hazardous situation and allow  you to avoid that area to prevent a possible accident.

Increase Your Following Distance

Of course, all drivers are aware of the proper following distance, which is a safety measure to help prevent possible accidents. However, the larger the following distance you are from the car in front of you, the smoother sudden traffic adjustments will be. It is recommended that while driving you maintain at least a three-second following distance from the vehicle in front of you in order to avoid situations that could possibly lead to an accident. The steps listed below will help you determine if you are at least three seconds behind the car in front of you.

  • Focus on a fixed object ahead of you such as a utility pole.

  • As the vehicle passes the utility pole count out three seconds. This can be completed by counting to yourself from one thousand one to one thousand three. 

  • If the vehicle passes the fixed object before three seconds are over, you are following too close and need to slow down.

If you increase your speed at some point while driving you may need to recheck your speed to ensure that you are still maintaining a safe distance behind the other driver.

Predict The Movement Of Other Drivers

Part of defensive driving teaching methods include the ability to predict the driving habits of others. You should always be prepared for the unexpected to happen and have a game plan in case of an emergency situation. When predicting the movements of other drivers you can possibly avoid situations such as getting blocked in by other vehicles on the highway. Another essential factor of this technique is that you become a proactive driver, allowing you to recognize the reactions of others beforehand.

In order to learn what all is involved with learning the basics of defensive driving techniques, consult with a driving instructor. Typically, most driving schools provide lessons on how to become a better driver using these methods. To learn more, contact American Driving Academy
